Author - Shade (Author)


Handling #FOMO

Ahhh…  the all-important, ever-present #FOMO!!! Some are mildly affected by it; some are constantly harassed by it; some have made decisions simply based on it!  FOMO needs no introduction to most, but for those who are...

About that Test-Drive…

So here I was on a dinner date with this guy I had been seeing for a few weeks. Things were going well. The food was good; the conversation was great. Suddenly though, almost out of left-field, I suddenly heard the phrase “So how about a...

So You’re Not A Virgin?

Celibacy is a lifestyle that anyone and everyone can choose to pursue regardless of their past. However, there are some who feel discouraged in being celibate if they have had a sexual past. They wonder what's the point since they are no longer...